Personal Assistant (PA) Survey

Personal Assistant (PA) Survey by Strathclyde University

Strathclyde University are undertaking a survey to look at the experience of working as a Personal Assistant in Scotland, as well as how the role of a PA can support innovation and achieving the Personal Outcomes that are important to the PA Employer.

The survey is based on a tool called The Fair, Innovative & Transformative Work (FITwork) Tool. This looks at the arrangements in place for PAs that can support or limit innovation, and help them provide the best possible care for their employer. It also considers behaviours and attitudes, and focuses on issues that national and international research has identified as crucial to getting the most out of the resources currently available to the employer.

If you would like the opportunity to bring people together in a focus group, Strathclyde University would be more than happy to help facilitate such a discussion. To arrange this or to discuss any other aspect of the research, you can contact:

Dr Amy Watson (Research Associate)

Scottish Centre for Employment Research

Department of Human Resource Management

University of Strathclyde


Tel: (0141) 548 4018


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