New SDS SIRD Fund opens 5th Feb 2018!
The Scottish Government has announced the opening date for the new round of ‘Support in the Right Direction’ funding, SIRD2021.
This fund is aimed at organisations providing Independent Information and Support for people trying to access and make best use of the funding they receive under Self Directed Support. The funding will be for 2 and a half years until March 2021.
SiRD2021 consultation
A consultation on the process and criteria for the next SIRD programme was carried out by Scottish Government, Self-directed Support Scotland and Inspiring Scotland, between November 2017 and January 2018. The results of this Consultation can be found here: SiRD 2021 Consultation Nov-Dec 2017
Inspiring Scotland have confirmed that information on the programme, time-scales, guidance for applying and the process for applying will be available on their website from the 5th February. They are working towards a time-table of informing applicants of funding decisions at the end of June 2018. They will be offering pre-application surgeries to discuss project and application plans and you will also be able to request a surgery slot through the Inspiring Scotland website from the 5th.
Application Forms for the new fund will be available from Monday 5th February on Inspiring Scotland’s website here:
Details of the announcement are on Twitter and any further updates can also be found here:@InspScotlandSDS
You can also follow the Scottish Government’s SDS Policy Team on Twitter here: @SG_SDSPolicy