Improving Social Care Services in the Highlands
Improving Social Care Services in the Highlands
Highland Self Directed Support Stakeholder Group
We are arranging a series of Self Directed Support meetings taking place across the Highlands over the next 12 months. We see these meetings as an opportunity to focus on how SDS is developing locally and how we can work together to improve this. We welcome anyone with an interest in SDS taking part, especially people receiving SDS, carers and staff and volunteers for organisations supporting people locally.
We have arranged the meetings in 2 parts, so that people using SDS, carers and people working in the voluntary sector, can come together to share their experience of accessing and making use of SDS in a supportive environment. We then hope to be joined by NHS and Council colleagues to work on addressing any areas for improvement in the future.
We would really value your experience and ideas and hope that you will be able to make some of the meetings. We are also aware that people using SDS and their carers may need some support to attend meetings and we are very happy to look at this as well.
If you would like to come along, please sign up at one of our Eventbrite listings. We have created one for each meeting, which are:
Merkinch Community Centre Tuesday 2nd October 2018 – 10.30am-3pm
Fort William
Ben Nevis Hotel Tuesday 27th November 2018 – 10.30am-3pm
The Weigh Inn Wednesday 6th March 2019 – 10.30am-3pm
Dingwall Baptist Church Tues 4th June 2019 – 10.30am-3pm
Alternatively, you can contact Mark Han-Johnston directly who can book your place for you on:
Tel: (0131) 475 2623