The Independent Review of learning disability and autism in the mental health act

The Independent Review of learning disability and autism in the mental health act logo

The Independent Review of learning disability and autism in the mental health act is looking at whether this law needs to change for people with autism or people with learning disability. The review is looking at whether the law promotes and protects people’s human rights. If the review finds that the law needs to change to promote and protect human rights, they will work through how the law needs to change. At the end of the review, they will make recommendations to the Minister for Mental Health in the Scottish Government.

You can find out more about the review here:

The website includes easy read and plain English written information, along with video content and links to our surveys, which are now live.

The review is now ready to take evidence and Stage 1 involves gathering evidence about people’s direct experience of the Mental Health Act in relation to learning disability and autism.

We would like to encourage all people with direct experience to take part in this stage, including:

  • people with lived experience
  • carers
  • professionals

Please could you support the review by sharing this update with your members and via your networks.

Disabled Persons Organisations are also being invited to take part in the survey on behalf of their members. Guidance about the definition of a Disabled Persons Organisation is contained within the survey.

You may also want to support your members to take part as individuals, for example by supporting people to complete a survey or by contacting the Review on their behalf to arrange a visit.

You can find the link to the survey here:


Self Directed Support Scotland

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