Community Brokerage SQA Award available

The Community Brokerage Network have just announced the opening of their new award in Community Brokerage. Community Brokerage describes a model which builds the capacity of individuals to live independently in their own community, building on their strengths and using resources like Self-directed Support to help them do this.

The Community Brokerage award is a customised SQA award worth 30 credits at SCQF level 7. It has been designed to cover all aspects of community brokerage in relation to Self-directed Support and is broken down into 5 units:
• Describing Self-directed Support
• Exploring models of brokerage
• Implementing choice and control with Self-directed Support
• Supporting people with support planning
• Community development and community brokerage

This course is aimed at giving you:

• Knowledge of a whole range of topics which will better equip you in your role of empowering people to make choices in how they live their lives
• Skills which will help you in active listening and developing strong connections with individuals and communities
• Most importantly the course aims to give you the confidence to use your new knowledge and skills in your current role

The course lasts for six months. Learning days and assessments will take place at regular intervals throughout this period. It is expected that you will commit to an average of ten hours of learning per week for the duration of the course. About three-quarters of this will be spent on independent study.

If you are interested in applying for the course, there is an Application Form that you have to complete. Applicants will then be selected to attend an interview before successful applicants are offered a place on the course. We will expect you to have some paid or voluntary experience of the care sector/ Self-directed Support.

There is a cost for undertaking the course:
The course costs £2,150. This includes certification and lunch and refreshments on learning days. Community Brokerage Network are registered with SAAS (Student Awards Agency Scotland) and the award is eligible for their part-time grant funding. This could contribute £301 towards the course fees if you meet their criteria for eligibility.

If you would like to find out more please contact:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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