Health and Sport Committee Looking at Impact of COVID-19 on Social Care
How has Covid-19 impacted on care and support at home in Scotland?
The Health and Sport Committee is looking into social care for adults over 18 years. The Committee is looking for views from people who provide, or receive, care and support at home. They want to hear from:
- individuals receiving care at home
- family members and unpaid carers
- staff, managers or owners of a care at home services, or personal assistants providing care.
They have created a short survey to understand the impact of Covid-19 on care at home services, and what issues the pandemic has highlighted, improved or made worse. You can find out more and respond via the Scottish Parliament consultations portal here.
The closing date from submissions is: Monday 7th September 2020
If you have any queries or need any help with your submission, you can contact the clerks on their email address: