New Guidance on the Re-opening of Building Based Day Services
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance on Adult Social Care building-based Day Services
The Scottish Government has issued new Guidance on the reopening of building-based Day Services for adults.
The majority of building-based day services for adults were closed following Scottish Government advice in March that day services posed significant risks to client groups from COVID-19. The closure of these settings has undoubtedly had an impact on the lives of supported people and unpaid carers throughout Scotland. There was little time to prepare for the changes, and relationships and support were interrupted.
This guidance is designed to support the safe re-opening and delivery of building-based day services for adults which are registered by the Care Inspectorate. It provides key principles for consideration and should be read alongside the other relevant guidance.
All registered adult day services that wish to re-open can do so, subject to adherence to this guidance, bringing in the Care Inspectorate and local Health Protection team where necessary.
You can see the Scottish Government Guidance here.
Day services for children are covered in thisĀ Guidance on the re-opening school age childcare services.