New Guidance: Adult Social Care Building-based Day Services
Guidance designed to support safe re-opening and delivery of building-based day services for adults
The Scottish Government has issued Guidance to support the safe reopening of Day Services for Adults. There is an expectation that each service will need to undertake a risk assessment, put appropriate safety measures in place and ensure clear communication with people using their service and carers.
You can see a copy of the Guidance here: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance on adult social care building-based day services
In addition, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman, has written a letter to all Local Authority Chief Executives to further support Day Services reopening and states:
‘I would like to reiterate the importance to people who need daytime support and their families and unpaid carers of having appropriate levels of support available at the times they need it – for their resilience and wellbeing. This is particularly the case heading into the winter months, with so many day services having remained closed for a long period. It is therefore important for HSCPs to continue to work together with providers and the people who use their services to assess these continuing needs and meet them in the most appropriate way‘
You can see a copy of the letter here: Jeane Freeman’s Letter on the reopening of Day Centres for Adults
In addition, the Cabinet Secretary also states:
‘The guidance also emphasises that, for those who are unable to access support immediately, alternative provision should be considered and discussed with them. For those eligible for social care support, this would include flexible use of their support plan to meet agreed outcomes, moving to a different Self-directed Support Option‘
This supports the already existing Guidance that was issued by COSLA and the Scottish Government on Option 1 and 2 during COVID-19, which you can see here: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance on Self-directed Support