SDSS AGM 2021 – register now
We’re inviting representatives and guests of our membership to join us on Tuesday 30 November for our 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM), followed by a series of Self-directed Support (SDS) related presentations and workshops.
Since last year’s AGM, Paving the Way, there’s been some major developments in Scottish social care, including the findings from the Independent Review of Adult Social Care and the Scottish Government’s proposed National Care Service. The 2021 AGM is an opportunity to discuss the work of Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) over the last 12 months, highlight key achievements and challenges for our membership, and for them to have a say about the future work and governance of SDSS.
The full agenda for the day can be found here. The online event to begin with the formal AGM followed by two main presentations from key speakers. You will also have the opportunity to attend one of the following sessions to help inform the role of SDSS in supporting and representing your organisation in the year ahead:
- Post COVID-19 recovery
- Building capacity
- Working with Local Authorities
- Campaigning
- Training needs