New Report on Disabled People’s Human Rights launched – Scottish Civil Society report for the UNCRDP
Nothing about us without us! Disabled people’s human rights in Scotland
New report on disabled people’s human rights launched – the Scottish Civil Society report for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People
The Scottish Civil Society report for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People has now been published. This report will be sent to the United Nations as it prepares to review what has happened to disabled people’s human rights in the United Kingdom since its last review in 2017.
For the last 6 months, Inclusion Scotland and a Steering Group of Disabled People’s Organisations and other third sector organisations have been gathering evidence from disabled people across Scotland. Their evidence, together with analysis of statistics and other data, was compiled into a report which will now be sent to the United Nation’s CRPD Committee to help it prepare for the review of the United Kingdom. The report can also be used by people in Scotland to hold governments to account.
Although the report identifies some small improvements since the United Nation’s last examination in 2017, the evidence clearly shows that disabled people in Scotland still experience worse outcomes in so many areas of life and across the life course. And that the pandemic has exposed and deepened these inequalities.
The United Kingdom agreed to ‘protect and promote’ the human rights of disabled people and people with long-term health conditions by signing up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People. It also agreed to take part in a review every 4 years so that the United Nations can check whether disabled people’s human rights are being upheld. The ‘UK’ includes the Scottish Government.
The next time the United Nations will review the United Kingdom is likely to be in 2023. It will look at what the United Kingdom and the Scottish governments have done since the last review in 2017.
You can read the report on the Inclusion Scotland’s website here
The Scottish Civil Society Steering Group members involved in the production of the report are:
- Glasgow Disability Alliance
- Disability Equality Scotland
- People First (Scotland)
- Autistic Mutual Aid Society Edinburgh (AMASE)
- British Deaf Association Scotland
- Scottish Independent Living Coalition (including Self Directed Support Scotland)
- Human Rights Consortium Scotland
- Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights