PhD to explore role of PAs in social care in Scotland

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A funded PhD studentship opportunity has been created, that will explore the role of Personal Assistants in the social care landscape in Scotland.

The collaborative PhD, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and hosted by the University of Glasgow, will give a researcher the chance to examine the impact of PA roles in Scotland’s changing social care system – both in relation to the needs of the PA workforce and the needs and preferences of disabled people as employers.

The opportunity reflects the need for data and information about the Personal Assistant workforce in Scotland, about which little is known. The research will “offer fresh conceptual and empirical insights to inform Scottish choices and academic debates about the future role for personal assistants” in the context of the developing National Care Service.

The PhD will be co-supervised by the PA Programme Board, who helped develop the proposal to directly address the core research gap.

Candidates are able to apply for the funded opportunity before the deadline of 4pm on 13 April 2023.

Disabled candidates or those who have lived experience of social care support are encouraged to apply. 

More information about the studentship can be found here:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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