Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2022

The Euan’s Guide Access Survey is the longest running and largest survey of its kind in the UK which is now in its eighth year.

The results of the 2022 Access Survey have now being published. The main focus of the annual Access Survey continues to be giving those with experience of disabled access an opportunity to share their views.

Some of the main highlights from the survey include:

  • 72% of disabled people have found accessibility information on a venue’s website to be misleading, confusing or inaccurate
  • 74% have experienced a disappointing trip or having had to change plans due to poor accessibility
  • 51% said reviews from other disabled people improve their confidence when visiting new places
  • 46% have visited somewhere new after reading a review on
  • 91% said they try to find disabled access information about a new place before visiting
  • 58% saying they avoid going to a venue if it has not shared its disabled access information because they assume it’s inaccessible

The most important accessible facilities that needed to improve to increase people’s confidence to visit new places were:

  • accessible parking (80%)
  • accessible toilets (76%)

The Report’s conclusion is that:

‘The 2022 Access Survey results found that disabled people are being excluded from everyday activities because of a lack of disabled access information.’

You can download the whole Survey Report on the Euan’s Guide website here: The Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2022

Self Directed Support Scotland

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