Consultation on Highland SDS Strategy for HighAbility members

Date: 19 August 2021

Location: Online

NHS Highland and Highland Council have come together with local stakeholders to develop a draft Self-directed Support Strategy for the Highlands.

This is an opportunity to influence the content of the overall Strategy, as well as being involved in the implementation of that Strategy in practise.

Self-directed Support is about giving people the choice, control and flexibility over the support and resources that they need to ensure that they can live an ordinary life.

With this in mind, NHS Highland and the Highland Council, supported by local and national partners, are keen to set out a new approach to providing SDS. They want to hear from anyone with an interest in the development and implementation of SDS locally.

Their vision is for services to be caring, enabling, promoting of equality and person centered, meaning that peoples’s support is planned around their individual needs and what is important to them.

The consultation sets out a suggested new vision and approach to providing SDS in Highlands and will take place in a range of different ways, including:

HighAbility and Self Directed Support Scotland would like to offer HighAbility members the opportunity to join a Focus Group discussion to:

  • Look at the SDS Strategy and give your views on this
  • To share your experience of SDS
  • To look at how SDS can be improved in the Highlands for everyone

We have arranged a number dates to enable as many people as possible to attend the discussion. You would be welcome to come along to any of these Focus Group meetings, which are taking place on:

If you would like a paper copy of the survey  you can contact Karen Patience at NHS Highland via email: or call and leave a message on (01463) 704715

If you have any access needs you can tell us what these are when you sign up on Eventbrite for the Focus Group meeting.

The consultation lasts until the end of August 2021.

If you’d like to be discuss any aspect of the Consultation, or to arrange a Focus Group for a particular group of people you know, just get in touch and we can discuss things further.

Our contact details are:

Mark Han-Johnston (Membership Development Executive)

Tel: 07775 065653          Email:

John Beaton (HighAbility Secretary)

Tel: 07442 278287         Email:

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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