Future Information & Support for PA Employers and PAs in Skye and Lochalsh
Date: 6 October 2022
Location: Online via Zoom
We know that being a Personal Assistant Employer enables many people to choose the right people to support them to live life in the way they would like to. We also know that this comes with a certain amount of responsibility and challenges for PA Employers in recruiting PAs.
We are also aware that Personal Assistants have a unique role in the social care workforce, often working on their own and with a number of different people in different places.
As part of Highland’s new SDS Strategy, we would like to look at the needs of PA Employers and PAs, specifically in the more rural parts of Highland, such as Syke and Lochalsh.
These online meetings are a chance for Personal Assistant Employers, and Personal Assistants, to tell us how we can support you and what kind of information you need.
We have arranged a couple of dates for online meetings, and you would only need to come along to one meeting. The dates are:
- Thursday 6th October: 11am – 12.30pm
- Wednesday 12th October: 2pm – 3.30pm
You can sign up to join one of the meetings via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/future-information-support-for-pa-employers-and-pas-in-skye-and-lochalsh-tickets-419662982277
Both of these meetings will take place on Zoom. During the meeting we will be looking at a new resource called the PA Employer and PA Handbooks, which you can find here: https://handbook.scot/
We will also be looking at the support offered by the PA Network Scotland, whose details you can find here: https://www.panetworkscotland.org.uk/
Book a space on Eventbrite