Defining and developing Community Brokerage in Scotland

A new framework has been launched which sets out a national approach to Community Brokerage services in Scotland.

Developed as part of the SDS Improvement plan 2023-2027A Brokerage Framework for Scotland has been co-produced over the past 18 months with Independent Support Organisations and others across the sector. It sets out the values and principles that underpin a shared national approach to Community Brokerage services in Scotland.

What is Community Brokerage?

The main aim of Community Brokerage is to help people who need support live their life as they choose, and have their support needs met. It is a way of working that focuses on early intervention, maximising access to information, informal support, natural relationships, and community activities. Where formal support is needed, Community Brokers work with people as much or as little as is needed, to enable them arrange and manage support using any of the four Self-directed Support options.

A Brokerage Framework for Scotland

The aim of the Framework is:

  • to define the model of community brokerage which is already recognised to be working well and delivering good outcomes for supported people
  • to promote and encourage the further development of this model in Scotland
  • to help supported people, local authorities, and organisations which help people to access social care support, to better understand the practice of community brokerage and the work of community brokers
  • to provide tools to support brokerage organisations (and other organisations providing brokerage-type services) to deliver high quality support.

Find out more

A series of information and engagement sessions will be held in late May 2024 to share the Brokerage Framework more widely and discuss how the model can be further developed and promoted. Sign up to our newsletter below to get the details of these sessions when these are published.

Read: A Brokerage Framework for Scotland

Self Directed Support Scotland

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