Scottish Parliament hears evidence on the implementation of Self-directed Support

Throughout June, the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee has been hearing evidence from across the sector on the implementation of Self-directed Support.

The hearings have formed part of Phase 2 of the Parliament’s Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013, which is looking at how the law is working ten years after it came into effect.

SDSS CEO Donald Macleod appeared at the committee hearing on 4 June alongside representatives from In Control Scotland, Social Work Scotland and Inspiring Scotland. In his evidence, Donald highlighted the vital role of Independent Support Organisations in enabling people to access Self-directed Support, as well as some of the challenges facing the sector. You can watch the recording on the Scottish Parliament website.

SDSS also provided further evidence to the committee following the hearing, which you can read on the Scottish Parliament website.

In Phase 2, the committee has heard evidence from:

  • Donald Macleod, Chief Executive, Self-Directed Support Scotland
  • Kaylie Allen, Director of Funds, Inspiring Scotland
  • Dr Jane Kellock, Project Lead and Consultant, Self-Directed Support Team, Social Work Scotland
  • Pauline Lunn, Director, In Control Scotland
  • David Aitken, Head of Adult Services, East Dunbartonshire Integration Joint Board
  • Diane Fraser, Head of Adult Social Work, North Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board
  • Stephen Morgan, Service Director Social Work Services and Chief Social Work Officer, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board
  • David Williams, Interim Chief Officer, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Joint Board
  • Dr Richard Brunner, Research Associate, University of Glasgow
  • Rob Gowans, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
  • James Mahon, Economist, York Health Economics Consortium
  • Des McCart, Senior Programme Manager, Strategic Commissioning, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Scottish Government
  • Joanne Finlay, Policy Lead, Self-directed Support Improvement Team, Scottish Government
  • Rachael McGruer, Deputy Director, Adult Social Care Local Improvement and Transformation Division, Scottish Government

The National SDS Collaboration also submitted a written evidence statement to the committee, which you can read here.

A record of all hearings, correspondence and actions arising out of the Post-Legislative Scrutiny process can also be found on the Scottish Parliament website.


Following the conclusion of Phase 2, it is expected that the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s final report will be published in Autumn 2024.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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