
At SDSS we follow the Social Model of disability which means that we are committed to addressing barriers to make sure that everyone can access the information that they need.

The website does not have a separate accessibility statement, this is because we have designed this site to be as accessible and usable as possible for every user. When developing this site we consulted with developers with accessibility credentials and site testing was carried out with our members and a range of partners, including to check compatibility with screen reading technology.

We will continue to develop our site with accessibility as our main priority.

Get content in alternative formats

SDSS are committed to providing site pages and resources found on our site in a different format where possible. If you need information in a different format please follow the steps below:

  1. Email or call 0131 475 2623
  2. Let us know the link/URL where you found the document/content that you require.
  3. Describe the format you need, for example braille, audio or large print.
  4. Where possible we will provide our content in the format you require or contact the owner(s) of resources to request the version that you need on your behalf.

Get help

AbilityNet provides guidance about how to:

Leave feedback

If you have trouble using the SDSS site please do not hesitate to get in touch at or by phone at 0131 475 2623  – this will help us to make improvements.