Developing a National Direct Payment Model Agreement – the role and views of Independent Support Organisations

Date: 25 May 2023

Location: Online

Direct Payments (SDS Option 1) and Employing Personal Assistants – What is working well and what can we build on?

Social Work Scotland and SDSS would like to invite SDSS members to an online event about Direct Payments and Employing Personal Assistants.

Social Work Scotland’s SDS Team is leading on the development of a national Direct Payment Model Agreement, when the Direct Payment is used to employ a PA. This is to ensure greater consistency across Scotland and better outcomes for Employers and their Personal Assistants.

We would like to invite SDSS members who are support organisations to tell us about your role and experiences in supporting people who are thinking about becoming a PA employer or already using a Direct Payment to employ a PA.

We would like to learn from you ‘What is working’ and ‘What can we build on’. We want to discover the important things that need to be in place to support a good relationship between an Employer and their Personal Assistant. We would really like to hear any stories or case studies you may have that illustrate what is working and what progress can be built on.

There will also be further opportunities to get involved as we develop the national model Direct Payment agreement together. We will ask your permission to add your details to the Social Work Scotland mailing list if you want to stay in touch.

These sessions are for organisations who provide SDS information, advice and support, but we will also be organising separate sessions for:

  • Personal Assistant Employers
  • Local Authorities
  • Legal Teams
  • Carers
  • Social Workers.

We very much look forward to meeting you and learning about your role and collecting your views on this work.


Dates of the sessions

You only need to attend one session.

  • Thursday 25th May: 10.30am – 12.30pm
  • Friday 26th May: 1pm – 3pm

You can book your place on Eventbrite here:


If you have any access requirements or there is anything we can do to support your full participation, please contact:

Mark Han-Johnston
Self Directed Support Scotland
Tel: 07949 143 433

Donna Murray
Social Work Scotland
Tel: 0791 777 3655

Book a space on Eventbrite
Self Directed Support Scotland

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