Future of PVG & Disclosure Legislation for Self Directed Support- Edinburgh (morning)
Date: 2 September 2019
Time: 10.00-12.30
Location: Scottish Government Building Victoria Quay Edinburgh EH6 6QQ
Disclosure Scotland are keen to engage with key stakeholders to discuss the future of legislation underpinning the Protection of Vulnerable Groups and the Disclosure of Criminal Information.`
In 2018, Disclosure Scotland carried out a public consultation on the future of Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme (report available here). The responses have contributed to shaping proposals that aim to deliver a balance between the twin objectives of delivering a fairer, less invasive, disclosure regime whilst also strengthening the ability to protect the most vulnerable in society.
We are running a number of sessions across the country, targeting Self Directed Support users of the PVG scheme to explore these proposals and the steps required to implement them.
These sessions have been designed to generate informed discussions on how the proposed changes will impact you and how you use the PVG scheme.. It also gives you the opportunity to discuss these proposals with other Self Directed Support users.
Session Duration: 2.5 hours
If you require more information or have any questions please contact the Customer Engagement team via dsworkshop@disclosurescotland.gov.scot
Book here