Date: 28 November 2022
Location: Online via Zoom
Self Directed Support Scotland’s AGM will be taking place on:
Monday 28 November 2022
10am – 3pm
Online via Zoom
Programme for the day
SDSS Members are invited to join us to hear about our work over the past year, our accounts, and approve the election of Board members.
11.00 am – Keynote presentations
- An update on the National Care Service – Anna Kynaston, Deputy Director for National Care Service Division, Scottish Government
- SDS and Autism – Lynsey Stewart
- Community Brokerage Scotland – Anne-Marie Monaghan
12.30 pm – Lunch break
1.30 pm – Workshops
Attendees can choose from one of the following workshops
- The Power of Positive Partnerships – how the Highland SDS Peer Support Group, NHS Highland and Community Contacts (Carr Gomm) are working together to establish a fair, transparent and appropriate rate for Option 1 support
- SDS and Dementia – Age Scotland’s ‘About Dementia’ service share their work on discovering barriers and enablers to SDS for people with dementia
- Emerging areas of SDS practice: the roads less travelled – In Control Scotland discuss their work exploring access to SDS for people with experience of addictions/ recovery
- Dream, Plan, Live – new approaches to Person Centred Planning – Your Options Understood (Y.O.U) share their work to unlock the potential of person centred planning
- SDS Scotland – honouring our commitment – we’ll facilitate a discussion with our members about how we honour our commitment to the Independent Living Movement as a Disabled People’s Organisation while widening access to SDS for all
3.00 pm – Close
Booking for SDSS members is now open – please register for the event using this link.
A proxy form can be found here.
The formal notice of our AGM can be found here.
Once you have registered, we will send you the Zoom details, and all the papers, before the event.
If you have any questions or need any help registering, please contact us at