National Care Service – public forum events summer 2023

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A series of events are being planned across Scotland this summer to give members of the public the chance to have their say about how the National Care Service should work.

A programme of meetings will take place over the summer, from Dumfries & Galloway to Shetland. There will also be online meetings for anyone who would prefer to join discussions remotely.

Speaking as the sessions were announced, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd, said: “There are unique demands across the country, which is why we’re going to different areas, ensuring communities the length and breadth of Scotland are represented in designing a National Care Service tailored to local needs.

“Having listened to care providers, unions and the third sector during the Bill scrutiny process, these meetings will allow anyone who uses care services, has a loved one that relies on care or has worked in the sector to have their say. This will help inform future stages of the Bill as it progresses through the Parliamentary process.

“There is general agreement that social care transformation will be of great benefit. This needs us all to have a shared understanding of what is working well and really focus on what’s needed to support people to thrive with the most suitable care for them. I would encourage everyone to be part of this conversation. To do this you can look to attend an event near you or join online, and be part of what will be the biggest social reform of our lifetimes.”

The dates for the events are:

  • 20 June – Albert Halls, Stirling
  • 28 June – William Quarrier Conference Centre, Glasgow
  • 14 July – Hilltown Community Centre, Dundee
  • 18 July – Stranraer Millennium Centre, Dumfries and Galloway
  • 26 July – The Corran Hall, Oban
  • 1 August – An Crùbh Community Centre, Skye
  • 8 August – Strathpeffer Community Centre, Highland
  • 17 August – Isleburgh Community Centre, Shetland
  • 22 August – The Inkwell, Elgin
  • 24 August – National online event
  • 29 August – National online event

You can book a place to attend here:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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