New Scottish Government COVID-19 guidance on SDS Option 1 and Option 2.


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Scottish Government have now published COVID-19 guidance on Option 1 and Option 2 for Local Authorities and Health and Social Care Partnerships. This document will soon be accompanied by a series of FAQs aimed directly at those using Option 1 or 2. They will be available on the Social Work Scotland website here (expected week commencing 18th May.)

The guidance makes it clear that flexibility is required to ensure that packages are maintained with minimal disruption throughout this time of crisis, and encourages social work professionals to be mindful of this when making decisions around social care packages- ‘This flexibility should continue to operate during the period of the pandemic, and enable the exploration of creative solutions during this unprecedented period’. It also states that any reasonable increased costs due to the pandemic should be met- ‘Scottish Government has agreed with COSLA that any reasonable additional costs caused by COVID-19, including for sick pay or for those self-isolating, can be met and recorded through local Health and Social Care mobilisation plans. This should cover additional costs for all services delegated to Integration Joint Boards.’

Importantly, it clarifies that any changes to packages made as a result of the ongoing pandemic should be temporary- ‘People should be reassured that any changes to their care and or supports as a result of the pandemic will be temporary. Even though supports may be curtailed inĀ  the short term, all direct payment amounts should remain the same and full support provision (or alternatives) should be resumed as soon as is practicable.’

We welcome the addition of the SDS Collective Call for Action in the appendix of this document, which is particularly important as it was co-produced by those with lived experience of managing and receiving SDS packages.

Read the guidance in full here.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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