A new Self-Directed Support Improvement Plan – share your views

Small abstract plastic figures arranged on an image of a network showing the connections between them


A new strategic plan is being developed to improve the implementation of Self-Directed Support in Scotland. 

Since the passing of the Self-Directed Support (Scotland) Act in 2013 and the accompanying strategy, several multi-year Implementation Plans have been in place to drive forward SDS implementation.  

As the last plan expired in 2021, there have been calls for a new plan that will set out the course of SDS improvement over the coming years. 

With the development of the National Care Service on the horizon, we hope that actions included in this plan, and learning from them, will influence its development. The plan will be an important place to capture learning from best practice in the delivery of social care, and to show how to overcome persistent challenges in making choice and control about social care a reality for everyone. 

The draft plan is being co-developed by a working group including representatives from Scottish Government, COSLA, Social Work Scotland, Self Directed Support Scotland, and others 

We are keen to hear the views of a wide range of stakeholders involved in delivering SDS, and representing people who access – or could access – Self-Directed Support. We are particularly keen to hear from groups or organisations who can feed in views on behalf of those who are under-represented when it comes to access to SDS. This includes autistic people, people in addiction/ recovery, children, people with dementia, people with sensory loss, and people with mental health problems, among others. 

Donald Macleod, Chief Executive of Self Directed Support Scotland, who are co-delivering the plan, said: “Improving Self Directed Support is everyone’s business. There are so many people involved, from care providers to third sector organisations, national delivery partners to carers’ groups and advocacy organisations. And we need to hear from everyone during the development of this plan to make sure we’re taking into account views from across the sector. Time is tight for agreeing the plan, so I would urge anyone with a stake in Self Directed Support to take time during the engagement process to digest the draft actions, discuss with your networks, and send us your views.” 

An open engagement process will take place from 18 January – 13 February 2023, to enable as many stakeholders as possible to contribute their views on the draft actions.  

The Improvement Plan Working Group will also be facilitating online ‘roadshow’ sessions to enable stakeholders to find out more about the Plan and contribute their feedback.

These will be held on:

  • Thursday 2 February, 2.00 – 3.30pm
  • Monday 6 February, 2.00 – 3.30pm
  • Tuesday 7 February, 10.30am – 12.00 noon

You can sign up to attend a roadshow via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sds-improvement-plan-roadshows-tickets-518551811427

You can download the SDS Improvement Plan Consultation Document here.

Organisations and individuals are invited to give their views on the draft actions that will inform the final plan using an online feedback form, which you can access here

The closing date for submissions is Monday 13 February 2023.

If you’d like to find out more please contact SDSImprovementPlan@sdsscotland.org.uk 

Self Directed Support Scotland

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