Author: admin

15 September 2020 | News

Get involved in research on Human Rights and SDS in Scotland

‘Researching the implementation of human rights through social care legislation and practice in Scotland’. A team of researchers from the University of Strathclyde are working with In Control Scotland to…

10 September 2020 | News

Independent review for Scotland’s social care service

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, presented the Scottish Government’s Programme for Scotland 2020-2021 on Tuesday 1 September 2020. The Programme for Government, published every September, sets out the actions the Scottish…

8 September 2020 | News

Health and Sport Committee Looking at Impact of COVID-19 on Social Care

How has Covid-19 impacted on care and support at home in Scotland? The Health and Sport Committee is looking into social care for adults over 18 years. The Committee is looking…

11 August 2020 | News

Report on Disabled People’s experiences during COVID-19

Inclusion Scotland Report Highlights Disabled People’s Experiences during COVID-19 Inclusion Scotland have published a report on Disabled People’s experiences during COVID-19, based on a Survey of 822 disabled people accessing…

11 August 2020 | News

Thank you for Renewing Membership for 2020 – 2021

Renewal Highlights Members On-going Needs: Thank you to all the organisations that renewed their membership with SDSS for another year. Your membership packs will be with you shortly. You told…

11 August 2020 | News

Extension of Funding for Independent SDS Information and Support Services

Scottish Government Extends Funding for SIRD Projects for 12 Months: We are delighted to hear that the Scottish Government has announced the extension of the Support in the Right Direction…

11 August 2020 | News

SAMH Research on Impact of COVID-19 and Mental Health

SAMH Research on Impact of COVID-19 and Mental Health SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) has launched new research into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on adults with mental health problems….

11 August 2020 | News

CILPK Recruiting for Managers Post in Perth and Kinross

CILPK recruiting for Managers Post to cover Maternity Leave: CILPK is an independent, user led, disability organisation and are looking for a motivated individual to join their organisation to cover…

10 July 2020 | News

Membership Renewals 2021 – 2022: have commenced!

Our primary contacts of member organisations will have received their SDSS Membership Renewal email for 2021 – 2022. We really welcome your continued membership of SDSS for the coming year….

12 June 2020 | News

SDS National voice 2020: videos.

A full programme from the day can be found here, for your reference.

14 May 2020 | News

New Scottish Government COVID-19 guidance on SDS Option 1 and Option 2.

    Scottish Government have now published COVID-19 guidance on Option 1 and Option 2 for Local Authorities and Health and Social Care Partnerships. This document will soon be accompanied…

8 May 2020 | News

GDA ‘Covid-Resilience’ interim findings show that disabled people are left behind.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis the team at Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) has been conducting outreach to understand the impact that COVID-19, and resulting measures, are having on…

8 May 2020 | News

New Inquiry launched: ‘ The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on equalities and human rights.’

    On April 27th 2020 Scottish Parliament’s Equalities and Human Rights Committee launched a COVID-19 Inquiry which seeks to identify the evidence that some groups of people are experiencing…

8 May 2020 | News

UN Rights of Disabled People, COVID-19 guidance

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, The UN have published guidance on the Rights of Disabled People. This guidence aims to do the following: bring awareness of the pandemic’s…

8 May 2020 | News

‘Connecting Scotland’- new programme to support those who are digitally excluded.

On 7th May 2020, Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell announced a new £5 million programme will offer an internet connection, training and support, and a laptop or tablet to vulnerable people…