Author: admin

Children’s rights legislation in Scotland: quick reference guide
A new guide on children’s rights in Scotland has been published which includes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Getting it Right for Every…

SDS National Voice 2019: Final programme launch!
The final programme for SDS National Voice 2019 is now live and can be accessed here, we look forward to welcoming delegates on the day. Can’t wait? Read our pre-event Q&A…

SDS National Voice 2019: Q&A with Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman and last chance to book!
SDS National Voice is an event to brings those working in health and social care, social care users and carers together to discuss good practice in social care delivery, and…

Scottish Government consultation: Timescales for adult carer support plans and young carer statements for carers of people who are terminally ill.
The Government have opened a consultation which will be used to inform regulations that will set prioritised time limits for the preparation of adult carer support plans and young carer…

Recent employment law case: Self-employed carer joins the “employment” family
You may have heard about a recent court case relating to employment status, which is particularly relevant as it specifically applies to the care work force, and the use of an…

Scottish Government consultation: Changing Places Toilets.
The government has launched a consultation on proposals to introduce a requirement for Changing Places Toilets through revisions to the building standards system. Changing Places Toilets (CPTs) offer larger, supported…

Scottish Government consultation: Scottish Charity Law.
This consultation seeks views on potential improvements to the statutory charity regulation framework in Scotland, in light of proposals put forward by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). The proposals broadly focus…

Local Authority guidance on implementing free personal care for under 65s.
New guidance on implementing free personal care for under 65s has been issued to Local Authorities across the country. This guidance has been issued ahead of April 1st, when the…

Inclusion Scotland Disabled leadership network.
Inclusion Scotland is hoping to build a ‘disabled leadership network’. This will be a network comprising of disabled people who want to become stronger leaders, within their community, workplace,…

New report. Awareness of the Carers (Scotland) Act : Experiences of Carers in Scotland
Coalition of carers in Scotland have recently published a short report and recommendations for HSCPs and the wider community on improving access to support, information and advice for carers….

Jess Wade, SDSS Manager: Reflecting on 2018.
Winding down before the seasonal break gives a chance to reflect on the whirlwind of 2018, and what a busy year that was! For SDSS, we have had lots successes,…

Goodmoves offer reduced rate for individuals and charities placing PA adverts.
Goodmoves is a recruitment platform for jobs within the Civil Society, Charity and Voluntary Sector in Scotland and the only dedicated jobs website in Scotland which is run by a charity….

Stand with GDA: Glasgow deserves better social care!
Glasgow’s Senior Social Work officials have recently re-visited a paper on resource allocation, which in June the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) refused due to concerns that the Equalities Impacts had not been…

Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross launch ‘Accessibility Guide Perth.’
The Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross have recently produced a handy accessibility guide for the Central Perth area. This was produced with help from Perth College and funded by…

ILF #TrySomethingNew campaign launched
ILF Scotland has recently launched a new campaign to encourage young people living with a physical or mental impairment to apply for funding and #TrySomethingNew. The Transition Fund aims to…