Author: admin

Employers and PAs invited to share views on PA training
SDSS is inviting people who employ Personal Assistants, and PAs themselves, to give their views on what training they feel would be beneficial to PAs. A short online survey has…

National Care Service national forum details published
The Scottish Government have published details of this year’s National Care Service national forum, which will be in Glasgow (and online) on Monday 30 October. The annual National Forum was…

Our 2023 membership certificate
Thank you to all SDSS members who have renewed your membership for another year. We’ll be sending out membership certificates soon, which this year have been designed for us by…

Support in the Right Direction fund open
A new phase of the Support in the Right Direction (SiRD) funding programme, which will see £3 million per year available across Scotland, is now open for applications. The…

Partnership agreement reached on National Care Service
As part of on-going discussions on the National Care Service (NCS) (Scotland) Bill, the Scottish Government has reached an initial agreement with local government and the NHS about accountability arrangements for…

ILF Scotland seeking new Chair and Board members
The Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland is seeking a new Chair and two new members to join its Board. ILF Scotland distributes funding of around £60 million each year…

Free online health and social care courses launched
SDSS member the Ayrshire Independent Living Network (AILN) have launched a series of new online distance learning courses covering a range of health and social care topics. The courses are…

SDS Improvement Plan 2023 – 2027 published
The Scottish Government and COSLA have published a new plan to drive forward improvement in Self-directed Support over the next few years. The SDS Improvement Plan 2023 – 2027…

Volunteers sought to help test Health and Care Experience Survey
The Scottish Government are looking for volunteers to help them test the Health and Care Experience (HACE) survey. The survey is carried out every two years and aims to gather…

PA newsletter – June 2023
The latest edition of imPAct – the newsletter for Personal Assistants across Scotland, has been published. The newsletter has the latest updates from the PA Programme Board plus other…

Scotland’s new Dementia Strategy and SDS
The Scottish Government have published a new strategy which sets out 10-year plan to deliver a better experience for people living with dementia, their families and carers. The strategy sets…

National Care Service – public forum events summer 2023
A series of events are being planned across Scotland this summer to give members of the public the chance to have their say about how the National Care Service should…

Improving SDS in Moray – new report
A new report has been published which highlights work done recently in Moray to improve services for unpaid carers and people they care for. The report describes how Moray Health…

SDSS welcomes new PA training framework developers
Self Directed Support Scotland has welcomed two new members of staff who will take on the development of a Personal Assistant Training Framework. Emmanuelle Le Coz (left) and Johanne…

Disclosure Scotland update: what’s changing
Disclosure Scotland helps employers make safer decisions when they’re recruiting people. It also makes sure unsuitable people do not work with children and vulnerable adults. The Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020, which…