Author: admin

1 January 1970 | News

What You’re Entitled to As a Young Carer in Scotland

There are an estimated 29,000 young carers in Scotland, and no matter what they do in their caring role, if they meet certain eligibility requirements, they are entitled to financial…

1 January 1970 | News

Community Solutions: Finding the right support

Community Solutions is the partnership work between Outside the Box and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) that has been developing since mid 2019. The focus is finding practical solutions to many…

1 January 1970 | News

Supreme Court clears Glasgow City Council of disabled discrimination

Case considered Glasgow Council’s social care Charging Policy The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Glasgow City Council did not discriminate unlawfully against a disabled man with Down’s syndrome, in…

1 January 1970 | News

Independent SDS Information and Support Survey (SDSS and Inspiring Scotland)

  Independent SDS Information and Support Survey Self Directed Support Scotland and Inspiring Scotland undertook a joint survey of Independent SDS Information and Support organisations, to understand the work they…

1 January 1970 | News

Report recommends full involvement of carers in Integrated Joint Boards

A new report from the Carers Collaborative on Integrated Joint Board (IJB) Carer Representation, highlights progress and make recommendations for future improvements. The Carers Collaborative is a project that supports,…

1 January 1970 | News

Minister and COSLA welcome SDS Improvement Plan

The Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd, and COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson, Councillor Paul Kelly, have released video messages to welcome the publication of…

1 January 1970 | News

Euan’s Guide Access Survey 2022

The Euan’s Guide Access Survey is the longest running and largest survey of its kind in the UK which is now in its eighth year. The results of the 2022…

1 January 1970 | News

The Right to Advocacy – a review of advocacy planning across Scotland

Mental Welfare Commission Reports on Advocacy provision The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 imposed a duty on Local Authorities and Health Boards to collaborate to ensure the…

1 January 1970 | News

Global Standards For Self-Directed Support

Background to the 15 Global SDS Standards During 2021 to 2022, a small group of self-direction advocates (who identify as people with disabilities, researchers, and providers) met regularly to plan…

1 January 1970 | News

Research Calls for Doubling of Investment in Adult Social Care in Scotland

Scottish Women’s Budget Group Research calls for transformational change The briefing paper sets out two scenarios for greater investment in Scotland’s adult social care support services. These scenarios are based…

1 January 1970 | News

PA Employer & PA Handbook: making use of the new resource in the Highlands

Free information sessions for people in the Highland area SDS Scotland have worked in partnership with our member organisations and PA Employers and Personal Assistants from across Scotland, to develop…

1 January 1970 | News

PA newsletter – June 2023

The latest edition of imPAct – the newsletter for Personal Assistants across Scotland, has been published.   The newsletter has the latest updates from the PA Programme Board plus other…