Author: admin

Draft Self-Directed Support Improvement Plan – June target for publication
Following feedback from the National SDS Collaboration, the draft SDS Improvement Plan 2023-27 is being reviewed by Scottish Ministers and COSLA and is expected to be published in June….

Scottish Personal Assistant Workforce Survey 2023
Calling all Personal Assistants! We need your help to understand more about the Personal Assistant workforce in Scotland. The Scottish Personal Assistant Workforce Survey was carried out for the first…

Report highlights barriers to social care support for Autistic people
A new report, published to coincide with Autism Acceptance Week, highlights the barriers autistic people face in accessing Self-Directed Support. Self-directed Support (SDS) is the way social care is meant…

Community Brokerage Award 2023-2024: applications open
Applications are now open for the next delivery of the Community Brokerage Award, running from September 2023 to June 2024. The Award is a customised SQA award worth 30 credits at…

New project to improve health and wellbeing of PAs in Scotland
A new project is set to launch which will work to improve the health and wellbeing of Personal Assistants in Scotland. The University of Birmingham’s IMPACT (IMProving Adult Care Together)…

PhD to explore role of PAs in social care in Scotland
A funded PhD studentship opportunity has been created, that will explore the role of Personal Assistants in the social care landscape in Scotland. The collaborative PhD, funded by the…

SDS National Voice 2023: round up and presentations
This year’s SDS National Voice conference welcomed more than 130 people from across Scotland for a day-long programme to reflect on developments in SDS implementation over the past year,…

New newsletter for Personal Assistants in Scotland
A new newsletter aimed at Personal Assistants in Scotland has been launched. The imPAct newsletter, produced by Self Directed Support Scotland, aims to keep PAs informed of the work of…

Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund 2023 – 2026
A new Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund has been launched which is open to applications from third-sector organisations, grassroots and community groups based in Scotland. About the Fund The aim…

New guidance on tenancies for people with additional support needs
The Mental Welfare Commission has published a new good practice guide for landlords about tenancy agreements for people with additional support needs. It will also be useful for social workers…

Increase in the minimum hourly rate for PAs from April 2023
The Scottish Government has announced that the minimum rate of pay for Personal Assistants will increase to £10.90 an hour from April 2023. The increase is part of funding agreed…

SDSS response to SDS Improvement Plan consultation
The forthcoming SDS Improvement Plan aims to drive forward the implementation of Self Directed Support over the coming years. In response to the consultation around the draft plan, SDSS spoke…

EHRC Research: identifies clear barriers to people tying to complain about Social Care issues
Equality watchdog highlights barriers faced by those challenging social care decisions in Scotland Some adults receiving social care in Scotland are unsure of how to challenge decisions about their care,…

Self Directed Support in Moray
Research on people’s experiences of Self Directed Support in Moray Moray Wellbeing Hub want to hear the voice and experience of people across Moray using social care services, and their…

A new Self-Directed Support Improvement Plan – share your views
A new strategic plan is being developed to improve the implementation of Self-Directed Support in Scotland. Since the passing of the Self-Directed Support (Scotland) Act in 2013 and the…