Goodbye and Good Luck Jess!
As many of you are now aware our fantastic manager, Jess Wade, will soon be leaving SDSS after 8 years at the organisation. The team at SDSS will miss her dearly, Jess is truly a pleasure to work with, and is a compassionate, extremely capable leader. She will take on a new role as CEO at Carers of East Lothian. We all know she will do a fantastic job, and we wish her the best in her next adventure. A few words from Jess can be found below:
‘I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at SDSS and it has been an absolute privilege to be welcomed by you all to work as part of the Independent Living Movement since 2012. I have learnt and grown so much in my time at SDSS and genuinely appreciate the opportunity to work alongside so many committed people in building the change we all want to see in social care throughout Scotland.
Of course I will keep in touch with the team and won’t be too far away from this work, so I imagine many of our paths will cross again. You will, no doubt, be wondering what next for SDSS, and this is something the whole team will be considering over the coming weeks and months as the organisation embarks on the next phase of its journey. Thanks for the ride!’