Goodmoves offer reduced rate for individuals and charities placing PA adverts.

green text on white background 'Good moves charity and recruitment'

Goodmoves is a recruitment platform for jobs within the Civil Society, Charity and Voluntary Sector in Scotland and the only dedicated jobs website in Scotland which is run by a charity. They are offering a new reduced rate for individuals booking personal assistant adverts directly:

  • Individuals booking directly – £80 (plus VAT) per advert
  • Charities booking on behalf of an individual – £95 (no VAT) per advert
  • (The previous cost for individuals was £230 plus VAT per advert)

What’s included?

  • Advert will appear on until your closing date
  • They can add your application documents as downloads to the advert
  • The advert will also appear on
  • If you don’t find the right candidate first time round they will re-advertise the post free of charge!
  • They will electronically invoice for payment (payable by cheque or BACS).

To book an advert or find out more, call us on 0800 019 2149 or email

Self Directed Support Scotland

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