Investing in Communities Fund: applications now open!



Scottish Government logo with blue and white saltire flag.


On 7th May Scottish Government launched a new £11.5 million fund for Community groups and projects tackling disadvantage, poverty and inequality. The fund encourages community-led development, design and delivery of sustainable local solutions addressing local issues, circumstances and aspirations – such as supporting out-of-school provision, providing activities and workshops, creating a community café and improving job opportunities and could be a brilliant opportunity for SDSS members.

A key component of the new fund is the availability of multi-year awards for those who wish to apply for funding over more than twelve months. Depending on the nature, scale and duration of any proposal, the minimum amount which can be applied for is £3,000 over a six month period, while the maximum is £250,000 over three consecutive years.

The fund is open for applications from 7 May until 14 June 2019 with grant offers expected to commence in September this year. You can read more about the fund here.

If you would be interested, you can apply for the fund here, please note that applications close on 14th June 2019.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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