New project will map the quality of Independent SDS Support in Scotland

A hand places a fifth yellow star next to four yellow stars

SDS Scotland is undertaking a new piece of research to look into the quality of Independent Support in Scotland.

Independent Support is provided by organisations across the country to help people navigate Self-Directed Support (SDS). The research is interested in finding out about the experiences of people who have used (or tried to use) Independent Support to help them access SDS.

Aims of the Research

  • To identify what ‘good quality’ support looks like
  • Identify how Independent Support organisations enable different groups of people to access the support they need
  • Identify what an Independent Support organisation needs to enable it to deliver good quality support
  • Identify any gaps in the provision of Independent Support and why these might exist
  • Make recommendations relating to the maintenance and improvement of quality in Independent Support across Scotland.

Project Advisory Group (PAG)

To support the delivery of this research, SDS Scotland will recruit a Project Advisory Group, made up of:

  • People using SDS
  • Carers
  • People delivering independent information, advice and support on SDS
  • People from Advocacy and Brokerage organisations
  • People from Local Authorities and HSCPs, who commission Independent Support or working closely with them

What is required from group members?

We expect the PAG will meet around 6 times between October 2023 – March 2024. Meetings will be online and will last around 2 hours. Group members will be being involved in:

  • Drafting a national questionnaire
  • Considering access needs and how to support a wide range of people to participate in the research
  • Identifying marginalised groups and how to support their involvement
  • Testing the questionnaire and planning to distribute it
  • Promoting the questionnaire and encouraging people to participate in the research
  • Supporting greater in-depth research focused on 4 Local Authority areas (to be agreed)
  • Produce recommendations to support an increased focus on the quality, impact and the future delivery of Independent Support

Register your interest

We expect there to be a lot of interest in being involved in the PAG. If you are interested in taking part, either by joining the PAG or supporting the wider research, you can register your interest here:

The closing date for expressions of interest is Wednesday 25th October 2023.

Access and support needs

If you have particular access or support needs, please tell us when you register your interest.

More information

If there’s anything else you’d like to know please contact:

Mark Han-Johnston (Membership Development Executive)

Tel: 07949 143433             Email:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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