Read the latest news on our work and wider social care policy in Scotland.
6 September 2021Personal Assistant Programme Board
Workshop opportunities for Personal Assistants (PAs) and employers. SDS Scotland is supporting the work of the Personal Assistant (PA) Programme Board, which aims to identify potential solutions to ensure that…
19 August 2021Self-employed Personal Assistants’ survey
Share your insight into self-employed Personal Assistants We are looking to better understand the experiences of self-employed PAs and those who contract or work alongside them. By sharing your experience,…
17 August 2021Future training opportunities
With members at the heart of what we do, SDS Scotland will be offering a diverse and relevant training programme to members this year. These will include training sessions on:…
11 August 2021Self Directed Support Covid-19 Survey 2021
Survey of COVID-19 Guidance for Option 1 and 2 of Self Directed Support (SDS) The Coalition of Carers and the SDS Collective would like to understand how the Scottish Government’s…
10 August 2021National Care Service Consultation
Join our Members Consultation here. The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on a National Care Service, setting out their proposals to improve the way social care is delivered in…
9 August 2021Experiences of SDS in Scottish Borders
Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) and the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) have published a report exploring the experiences of people who access or wish to access…
4 August 2021Disability Equality Training for SDSS Members
SDSS Members are invited to register for Disability Equality Training on Thursday 26 August 2021. Disability Equality Training was designed by disabled people to enable people to explore the essential…
28 July 2021Human Rights Principles in Digital Health and Social Care
The ALLIANCE, Scottish Care and VOX (Voices Of eXperience) are working together to support the development of rights based digital health and social care policy and practice across Scotland. They are exploring six principles for…
26 July 2021Consultation on an SDS Strategy for Highlands
Consultation on Self Directed Support (SDS) Strategy for Highlands: NHS Highland and the Highland Council have come together with local stakeholders to develop a draft Self-directed Support Strategy for the…
22 July 2021First Steps towards a National Care Service for Scotland
Setting up of the Social Covenant Steering Group: The Scottish Government have set up the group, which is made up of people with day-to-day experience of social care. This was…
20 July 2021Support Choices flies the nest becoming a sustainable local advice service
Support Choices celebrates becoming an independent advice charity, empowering people in Perth and Kinross with information. Outside the Box started the project in 2019 to help older and disabled people…
13 July 2021Save the date – SDSS AGM 2021
Self Directed Support Scotland look forward to welcoming members at our 2021 AGM on Tuesday 30 November 2021. The online event will be an opportunity for members to come together…