Read the latest news on our work and wider social care policy in Scotland.
5 November 2018SDS Collective Launch – 21st November 2018 in Glasgow – be there!
Launch of the SDS Collective! The SDS Collective is a group of advocacy and campaigning organisations which have come together to promote improved practice in the development of Self-Directed Support…
25 October 2018SDSS AGM 2018: Programme launch!
SDSS are delighted to release the full programme for our upcoming AGM on Thursday 1st November which will be an opportunity for members to discuss the last year and hear…
18 October 2018Call to action! Scrap the Care Tax – Don’t tax us to go to the toilet!
The Scottish Government’s proposal to extend Free Personal Care means that disabled people will still have to pay hundreds of pounds a month for their social care, including if they…
16 October 2018Have your say about local communities deciding their own future.
The Scottish Government is consulting on local decision making in Scotland, saying: ‘In recent years, something has begun to change. There is a growing recognition that it is often better…
16 October 2018SDS Implementation Plan 2019-21, what’s next?
Many of you will have been involved in the development of the existing SDS Implementation Plan and will be wondering what next for SDS implementation? The current Implementation Plan runs…
16 October 2018The Independent Review of learning disability and autism in the mental health act
The Independent Review of learning disability and autism in the mental health act is looking at whether this law needs to change for people with autism or people with learning…
10 October 2018National programme to support adult social care reform: have your say!
The Scottish Government and COSLA (The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) are seeking views and input on the development of a national programme to support adult social care reform. SDSS…
10 October 2018PVG consultation: report now published.
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme was launched in 2011 and is managed by Disclosure Scotland to help ensure people whose behaviour makes them unsuitable to work with children or protected…
3 October 2018SDSS AGM 2018: Getting out of the Woods
SDSS AGM 2018: Getting out of the Woods The SDSS AGM 2018 ‘Getting out of the woods’ is a members only event and an opportunity to discuss the work of SDSS over the last…
28 September 2018Speak Your Mind! Dementia, and SDS Event
Speak Your Mind! Dementia, SDS and Promoting Individual Autonomy Friday 19th October 2018 – in Glasgow 10:00 am – 12:00 noon This FREE event will look at how self-directed support…
16 September 2018Social Work Scotland Report: ‘Best Practice and Local Authority Progress in Self-Directed Support.’
Social Work Scotland have recently released a report that aims to share good practice examples and promote learning between local authority areas and across different fields of practice. 15 of…
16 September 2018Our take on ‘SDS Data Under Development 2016-17’
Many of you will be familiar with the SDS Data Under Development figures, the most up to date of which, covering 2016-17, were released last month. The recent figures show…