Read the latest news on our work and wider social care policy in Scotland.
29 June 2017Your Support Your Choice SDS Booklet: Dundee Carers Centre
Dundee Carers Centre have developed an easy read booklet on Self Directed Support which outlines in a clear and concise way what SDS is and how it works. It…
10 January 2017Lost in Translation: Making Self-directed Support work for BME Communities
Lost in Translation: Making Self-directed Support work for BME Communities aims to help practitioners who support people from BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities who may be assessed as eligible…
7 December 2016Press Release 07/12/2016 – Scotland should end the Care Tax
The campaign group, Scotland Against the Care Tax (SACT), calls on the Scottish Government to end charging people a financial contribution towards their social care. It comes as former leader…
27 July 2016Shared Ambition for the future of social care in Scotland
Scotland’s social care support system increasingly risks cracking under the strain, as demand rises and funding fails to keep pace, to the potential detriment of thousands of disabled people and…
1 January 1970Vaccinations (booster and flu) for Carers
Vaccinations now available for Carers Unpaid carers are now being offered and encouraged to take up a COVID-19 booster vaccination, as well as a flu vaccination. Carers can now book…
1 January 1970Setting Up a Disabled Person’s Organisation (DPO)
Setting Up a Disabled Person’s Organisation (DPO) Would you like to be involved in an organisation that promotes disabled people’s rights, challenges discrimination and prejudice and supports the Independent Living…
1 January 1970Community Solutions: Finding the right support
Community Solutions is the partnership work between Outside the Box and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) that has been developing since mid 2019. The focus is finding practical solutions to many…
1 January 1970Supreme Court clears Glasgow City Council of disabled discrimination
Case considered Glasgow Council’s social care Charging Policy The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Glasgow City Council did not discriminate unlawfully against a disabled man with Down’s syndrome, in…
1 January 1970PA Employer & PA Handbook: making use of the new resource in the Highlands
Free information sessions for people in the Highland area SDS Scotland have worked in partnership with our member organisations and PA Employers and Personal Assistants from across Scotland, to develop…
1 January 1970Research Calls for Doubling of Investment in Adult Social Care in Scotland
Scottish Women’s Budget Group Research calls for transformational change The briefing paper sets out two scenarios for greater investment in Scotland’s adult social care support services. These scenarios are based…
1 January 1970Global Standards For Self-Directed Support
Background to the 15 Global SDS Standards During 2021 to 2022, a small group of self-direction advocates (who identify as people with disabilities, researchers, and providers) met regularly to plan…
1 January 1970Report recommends full involvement of carers in Integrated Joint Boards
A new report from the Carers Collaborative on Integrated Joint Board (IJB) Carer Representation, highlights progress and make recommendations for future improvements. The Carers Collaborative is a project that supports,…