National SDS Collaboration
The National SDS Collaboration brings together Scotland’s largest and most diverse network of people working to improve the implementation of Self-directed Support.
We come together to share learning and gather intelligence, and use this to influence national policy on social care support.
Established in 2022, the Collaboration represents a diverse range of national and local stakeholders working to improve the implementation of SDS.
The Collaboration played a key role in developing the national strategy for SDS implementation, the SDS Improvement Plan 2023 – 2027. You can find out more about this work here.
Self Directed Support Scotland chair the National SDS Collaboration and Social Work Scotland’s SDS Project team act as secretary for the group.
You can find the most up to date list of members of the National SDS Collaboration here and Terms of Reference for the group here.
You can read minutes of National SDS Collaboration meetings, which include any presentations shared, below.
For more information about National SDS Collaboration meetings, please contact Social Work Scotland: