Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee: looking at concerns around SDS.

Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee

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The role of the PAPLS Committee is to scrutinise the Scottish Government, in relation to the following matters:

  • Considering issues arising from audit of Scottish Government and public bodies’ accounts.
  • Scrutinising the financial performance of the Scottish Government and public bodies.
  • Examining the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector.
  • Post-legislative scrutiny.

The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 was highlighted to the Committee by stakeholders, as one which would benefit from post-legislative scrutiny.  Following an evidence session with Audit Scotland on its report on 28 September, the Committee agreed it would take account of the concerns raised as part of its scrutiny of Audit Scotland’s report. SDSS, along with representatives from The Alliance and Inclusion Scotland gave evidence to the Committee towards the end of last year, and this was followed by a session with evidence from COSLA and the Scottish Government. The Committee has now written to Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, with a number of recommendations:

We will keep members updated as to any further developments on this.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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