SDSS welcomes new PA training framework developers

Self Directed Support Scotland has welcomed two new members of staff who will take on the development of a Personal Assistant Training Framework.
Emmanuelle Le Coz (left) and Johanne McBean (right) will work alongside PAs, Employers, and organisations who support them to developer a co-produced National PA Training resource that can be accessed by all PAs and PA employers as they choose.
The project has arisen from the PA Programme Board, which is working to develop the support available to PAs, and ensure PAs are integrated into the wider social care workforce.
Emmanuelle has been working in the voluntary sector for 17 years. She studied Community Education at the University of Dundee and whilst working for a collective advocacy organisation for adults with learning difficulties, concentrated on the social model of disability and the impact of employment. Emmanuelle spent most of her time in the voluntary sector in training roles. She worked at Citizens Advice Scotland supporting the development of volunteers and later for a homelessness policy organisation, concentrating on trauma informed care and welfare rights. Recently she has returned to Community Development and chaired the Leith Network of voluntary sector organisations, as well as tutoring the Health Issues in the Community Course for Harbour. Emmanuelle is passionate about parental mental health and has volunteered for Home Start and LinkNet and done sessional work for Family Journeys and Kin Collective.
Johanne brings a combination of experience in training design and delivery from various environments including mentoring, employability, transition skills, rehabilitation, moving and assisting and Pilates, coupled with direct experience of being a carer and managing a Self Directed Support budget with her daughter for the last 17 years. Johanne and her daughter began with one staff member for many years, and now have seven Enablers providing a 24/7 service which has led to them collaboratively developing their own training on a micro level. Johanne has a Masters in Occupational Psychology which she says has come in very handy! She previously worked for the Glasgow Education Business Partnership as a development officer for seven years, and currently runs a small Pilates business.
Emmanuelle can be contacted at and Johanne at