Self Directed Support Covid-19 Survey 2021

Survey of COVID-19 Guidance for Option 1 and 2 of Self Directed Support (SDS)

The Coalition of Carers and the SDS Collective would like to understand how the Scottish Government’s Guidance for people receiving Option 1 and 2 of SDS has been implemented in practise.

What is this survey about?
In May 2020, the Scottish Government introduced Covid-19 SDS Guidance directing local authorities to allow people who receive Self Directed Support Options 1 or 2 to use their direct payments in a more flexible way (e.g. to purchase alternative support if their usual support has been unavailable or if services have been reduced or closed).

The purpose of this very short survey is to find out whether that guidance has been implemented across the different local authorities in Scotland and whether you ( or the person you are caring for) have been able to use SDS more flexibly during the pandemic.

Who is the survey for?

This survey is for anyone who currently receives Self Directed Support (SDS) Option 1 or Option 2 as part of their social care support or for anyone who is an unpaid carer and receives SDS Option 1 or 2 for themselves or for the person that they care for.

You can find details of the survey here:

The survey will remain open until Friday 20 August at 10am.

If you would like to know more about the work of the Coalition of Carers, you can contact:

Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed (Partnership Development Officer)

Tel: 0775 1576680



If you would like to know more about the work of the SDS Collective, you can find details here:

SDS Collective:



Facebook page:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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