Shared Ambition for Social Care Event: 1 Year On – Whats Happened?
An Event looking at the development of the Shared Ambition for Social Care
The Shared Ambition for Social Care document was written by a range of disabled people’s organisations to support Independent Living in Scotland. One year on, the event will look at what has happened and what needs to happen in the future.
You can see a copy of Our Shared Ambition for the Future of Social Care Support in Scotland
The event will be held on:
Date: Thursday 14th September
Time: 1pm – 3.30pm
Venue: Norton Park Centre
57, Albion Road
Edinburgh EH7 5QY
The questions that will be discussed include:
· Has social care support evolved to protect, promote and ensure our human rights?
· Is it an effective contributing factor in tackling Scotland’s inequalities?
· Is the system fair, transparent and consistent?
· Do we share a common understanding of what social care support is, what it needs to be and what it is for?
· Has social care support become entrenched as the poor relation in the Integration framework?
· Are the challenges and solutions transparent and are we coproducing them?
· What does all this mean for disabled people, carers and Scotland, and what do we need to do about it?
There will be a panel of experts including: Neil Findlay MSP (Convenor of Health and Sport Committee), Dr Sally Witcher (CEO Inclusion Scotland), Lucy McTernan (Deputy Chief Executive, SCVO) and Karen Hedge (National Director, Scottish Care) plus national and local government spokespersons.