Support in the Right Direction 2021: grants announced!

Support in the Right Direction 2021: grants announced!

On Wednesday Jamie Macdougall from Scottish Government announced officially that Support in the Right Direction (SiRD2021) grants have been allocated. The announcement was made at an event was hosted by Lothian Centre of Inclusive Living (LCiL) , who were successful grant applicants and are delighted to extend their SDS support services. Present at the event was some current SDS service users who shared their experiences, and discussed what they would like to see in the future for social care in Scotland.

The SiRD 2021 funding runs from October 2018 to March 2021 and over £7.2 million will be invested in projects that will work alongside relevant local authorities, to ensure that more people across Scotland who access social care are empowered to make choices about their support. In total 31 projects will receive  SiRD2021 funding, covering 31 Local Authority areas, you can access a full list here.





Self Directed Support Scotland

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