Your views on self-employed PAs

Earlier this year, we asked our members and their networks to share their experiences as self-employed Personal Assistants (PAs) or those who contract them or work alongside them.

The survey was completed by 39 respondents including PA employers, self-employed PAs, self-employed contractors, other support workers and other key stakeholders (independent support and local authority staff for example).

We’ve now produced a report outlining the key themes and comments from the survey results.

The report is broken down into different sections:

  • Self-employed PAs
  • Contracting with a self-employed Personal Assistant
  • Benefits
  • Disadvantages
  • Additional charges
  • Difficulties being accepted as a self-employed PA
  • Risks
  • Support for Personal Assistants
  • Registration
  • Local Authorities and self-employed PAs
  • Issues to explore / food for thought

You can access the report on self-employed PAs here.

We hope the results can help inform the conversations taking place within the social care sector, including the Personal Assistant Programme Board and National Care Service consultation.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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