Personal Assistant Programme Board
Self Directed Support Scotland is a founder member of the Personal Assistant Programme Board, which was set up in 2021. We play a key role in driving forward the work of the Programme Board: convening the meetings, chairing a number of subgroups, leading on a number of the Board’s key actions and producing a quarterly newsletter for PAs to keep them informed of the work of the Programme Board and other relevant developments.
What is the PA Programme Board?
The PA Programme Board brings together people who employ Personal Assistants, Personal Assistants themselves, the Scottish Government and other stakeholders to improve the recognition of – and support for – Personal Assistants in Scotland.
Personal Assistants are a diverse workforce, and the nature of their role means that (unlike other parts of the social care workforce) there is no one established place where their needs can be understood and their voice heard.
The PA Programme Board provides a national space where work to recognise and support PAs, and in turn their employers, is agreed, planned and carried out.
The work of the PA Programme Board is driven by its guiding principles and its workplan. The Board is split into subgroups which focus on:
- improving national data on Personal Assistants and understanding of the workforce (data and research subgroup)
- improving awareness of the PA role, and recruitment infrastructure for PAs (recruitment subgroup)
- improving training opportunities for PAs and employers (training subgroup)
- work to support PAs’ wellbeing (wellbeing subgroup)
- ensuring there is consistent language and messaging around PAs and Employers (communications and information subgroup)
- developing a consistent approach to Direct Payments across Scotland (direct payment subgroup)
- exploring supports for PAs and Employers around employment issues (employment subgroup).
The infographic below summarises the main achievements of the PA Programme Board since it was established. Click to download a larger version.
You can view the current workplan of the PA Programme Board here
And you can download minutes of PA Programme Board meetings below.
Get involved in the PA Programme Board
The PA Programme Board meets online every three months. We welcome interest in particular from Personal Assistants who would like to be involved to share their experience and to help make things better for all PAs in Scotland.
Please get in touch with us at if you’d like to find out more.
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