Research into independent SDS support in Scotland

Early in 2024, we undertook a research project, ‘By My Side’, to understand more about people’s experiences of independent SDS Support across Scotland.

Commissioned by Scottish Government as part of the SDS Improvement Plan 2023-2027, the research aimed to understand:

  • What types of Independent Support has worked well for people 
  • When people need to access Independent Support and what for
  • How people would like to access Independent Support 
  • If there are any gaps in local Independent Support 
  • If there’s anything that can be improved to make Independent Support work better for people.

The research looked at all types of independent support in Scotland, such as Independent SDS Information and Support services funded through Support in the Right Direction, advocacy organisations and carers’ centres.

The research, conducted in the form of a survey, found that:

  • 86% of respondents found independent support to be ‘Essential’ or ‘Very helpful’
  • people accessed independent support from multiple ISOs during their social care journey
  • most people found out about independent support through their Local Authority
  • most people found ISOs to be accessible, to provide high quality support and to make a positive difference to them being able to access social care support.

While the research illustrates the need for quality independent support, it also highlights a range of barriers people face to accessing this help, including:

  • support not being available throughout the whole journey to accessing social care 
  • there being a waiting list to access independent support
  • difficulties in contacting ISOs
  • lack of awareness of ISOs.

Based on the research, a number of recommendations have been made that will improve people’s access to independent SDS Support. These include:

  • accessible information should be available on ISO services, their availability and scope
  • ISOs should be promoted to key local partners, with referral pathways developed particularly from Local Authorities
  • there is a need to identify and address gaps in ISO support
  • there is a need to ensure equality of access to Independent Support for all who need it.

Following the conclusion of the research, we are now focusing on taking forward its recommendations, with a focus on seeking to understand experiences from Local Authority areas where responses to the survey were low, and to take forward work to address gaps in independent support.

You can access a summary of the research findings and recommendations below. A full research report will be published soon and this page will be updated when it is available.

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