SDS National Voice 2025 – recordings and materials from the day

Thank you to everyone who attended the SDS National Voice conference 2025, we were delighted to welcome 130 people in person and another 35 online for a packed day of presentations, workshops, discussions and networking.
If you weren’t able to attend on the day, or missed out on anything, you can catch up with all the presentations and workshop material below.
Welcome, presentation from Donald Macleod, Minister’s Keynote address and panel discussion
Presentations on the SDS Learning and Improvement Framework and Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living
Workshop material
A. Self-Directed Support – Pooling Budgets
Pooling Budgets workshop presentation
B. Building Better Pathways: Improving Access to Self-Directed Support for People Living with Dementia
Dementia workshop presentation
C. Supporting people to make decisions: the stories and impact of Supported Decision Making
Supported Decision Making workshop presentation
Supported Decision Making workshop handouts
Post Event Resource List for Supported Decision Making
D. The SDS Standards: a catalyst for change
SDS Standards workshop presentation
E. Safe and Supported: Enabling SDS Recipients to Employ with Confidence
Safe and supported workshop presentation
F. Supporting the PA Employer and PA Relationship: The road so far in developing training resources
No slides were shared in this workshop but you can accessed the tools referenced at the following links:
Training Locator (accessible by selecting the Training for PAs category)
You can also contact Zoe McIntyre at for any further information
G. Supporting unpaid carers to achieve positive outcomes